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North, North Weekend

On Saturday 18thJuly, I headed up the coast as far as Ragged Point after a shopping stop in Cambria (natural food market of note). Tour note: The Hidden Kitchen for brunch. The heavy fog of the morning burned off just north of San Simeon. My return home took me up Santa Rosa Creek Road to Linn's Farmstand and then to the ridge for some R&R before hitting CA 46 East to US 101 south. A good loop.

Pacific Coast Highway.

There is a turn into the almost abandoned Point Piedras Blanco Hotel (one tenant). That run down facility overlooks a cove that is an active area for the elephant seals.

On Sunday 19July, I traveled north on US 101 and then went on the road that cuts from Greenfield over a pass in the Santa Lucia mountains and drops down into the Carmel Valley. Rather than proceeding to the Coast on a presumably crowded Sunday, I doubled back and returned home via the Salinas Valley. The oil fields near San Ardo have always intrigued me on travels north and south. I found a quiet spot for a drone flight. Bucket List item checked off.

One fun spot on the way out of the canyon was the intersection of Arroyo Secco and Elm. On the Summer day, many, many were headed under the bridge to the water. Inner tubes, coolers, lawn chairs all made their way to the scene. Good music.

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