Colorado Rocky Mountain Highlights
Traveled for the wedding of Brendan and Zayna Lynch in Colorado Springs. Of course, I went to the mountains, Independence Pass specifically. Great family and travel time.
The trip included an adventure to the top of Pikes Peak (14,115 feet) with Stacy and Riley. You can drive ~14 miles UP towards the peak, but have to take a school bus shuttle for the final three miles. It worked just fine. At the top, Riley said, 'chilly".

Garden of the Gods - Colorado Springs

Velvet antlers.

Not the State Flower.

Sheep near Parry's Peak.

Among the aspens.

Trip timing aligned with High Country flowers.

Mt. Elbert (14,400 feet) was the surprise of the trip. The peak is the second highest in the lower 48 states behind Mt. Whitney.

Leadville National Historical District
